Happy New Year

As I sit here at my lap top, on the last day of 2014, I am reflecting over the past 12 months. Overall I have to say it’s been pretty good. I’ve had some terrible moments, but I think that I’ve made massive progress in dealing with my peculiarities (i.e. Bipolar, Anxiety, etc)

Case in point – in the last month alone I’ve attended no less than 5 social functions (some with work and some with family) and made it through them. In fact I actually even managed to enjoy them! Plus I didn’t feel the overwhelming need to retreat after the first hour of socialising – this achievement in itself is totally amazing and new for me!

I’ve finally made the decision to study next year – I’ve been putting off doing a Bachelor of Science for the past 3 years. I’d started and then my ex left, and things went a little downhill and I needed time to get myself together emotionally and financially. So I’m ready and waiting. I’ll be studying part time, and I hope I finally finish a degree.

Hopefully in the early new year I’ll be moving into my brand new home, which is basically my fresh start for me and the kids. No more living in a house that is trapped with bad memories and sadness of my relationship breakdown. And no more renting! I will finally have my very own home which excites me more than anything.

Since starting this blog in September, I have made some really lovely friends and I am so very grateful for this network and these connections I have made. I look forward to reading more of your blogs, and talking more with you and hopefully we can help each other grow and become stronger. Oh and I finally realised that I reached the 100 subscribers milestone – so thank you to everyone who reads and especially comments on my posts. You have no idea how much it means to me to not feel so alone in this world – I thank you most sincerely and emphatically.

So as we head into the New Year I just want to wish you all strength, happiness, love and a totally brilliant year ahead. See you next year!